
  1. Open Adobe Illustrator.
  2. Click "Create New".
  3. Select "Print" and then "letter".
  4. Click and hold on the rectangle tool over on the left sidebar, select the ellipse tool.
  5. Hold down shift and click and drag in the center of the screen to create a circle. Center it with the middle of the page.
  6. On the right sidebar set the "Stroke" to 9pts.
  7. On the right sidebar click on "Fill", and set the color to your favorite color.
  8. On the right sidebar click on "Stroke", and set the color to your least favorite color.
  9. Click and hold on the ellipse tool over on the left sidebar, select the rectangle tool.
  10. Click and drag in the center of the screen to create a wide rectangle. Center it with the middle of the page.
  11. On the right sidebar set the "Stroke" to 0pts.
  12. On the right sidebar click on "Fill", and set the color to your least favorite color.
  13. Save the file.
  14. Click on "file" in the upper toolbar, and select "Export", "Export as..." and export it as a PNG with a file name of your first initial, underscore, last name, underscore, Exercise 15.
  15. Email the file to Use your Mason email and use the subject line "Exercise 15".
Original Frank Sam