- Open Adobe Illustrator.
- Click "Create New".
- Select "Print" and then "letter".
- Click and hold on the rectangle tool over on the left sidebar, select the ellipse tool.
- Hold down shift and click and drag in the center of the screen to create a circle. Center it with the middle of the page.
- On the right sidebar set the "Stroke" to 9pts.
- On the right sidebar click on "Fill", and set the color to your favorite color.
- On the right sidebar click on "Stroke", and set the color to your least favorite color.
- Click and hold on the ellipse tool over on the left sidebar, select the rectangle tool.
- Click and drag in the center of the screen to create a wide rectangle. Center it with the middle of the page.
- On the right sidebar set the "Stroke" to 0pts.
- On the right sidebar click on "Fill", and set the color to your least favorite color.
- Save the file.
- Click on "file" in the upper toolbar, and select "Export", "Export as..." and export it as a PNG with a file name of your first initial, underscore, last name, underscore, Exercise 15.
- Email the file to Use your Mason email and use the subject line "Exercise 15".